METAPHOR FOR THE THINGS THAT COUNT AND YES IT IS ROCKET SCIENCE, in memorium, Jack (J.D.) Roberts, d. October 29, 2016 (age 98)

Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts.—Einstein

I’m trying to find something true that can’t be expressed by math.—J.D. Roberts

Can haiku save the day? We know sonnets can. It’s all about the math. It’s all about the equals sign, the existential triumph of it, the metaphor.

We’ll hear about The Hunt for the Wilder People(pronounced will-deer), haiku, the Sphinx, Einstein, Shakespeare, lively knock-your-socks-off-stop-breathing poets like Attila Jozzef and Lydia Davis and Wendell Berry (vibrantly lusty poems about love) taken to heart by young and old, young artist leadership popping up in my life and yours, and ancient and emergent wisdom at your fingertips. Literally. And what does the Super Moon have to do with it? Ah, the tides in you, of you. It’s high time for high tide ebbing going out and in with the Poetry Slow Down, with Professor Barbara Mossberg (Dr. B to you), Produced by Zappa Johns, for Music of Leonard Cohen, Tioreore Ngatai-Melbourne, Righteous Brothers, Frank Sinatra, Billie Holiday.

© Barbara Mossberg 2016

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