Yay! News!

Benicia Newspaper Article


Another article on I READ THE NEWS TODAY. OH BOY  in the Vallejo Times Herald this morning. I hope you can get a copy since it has two photos that aren’t shown on the web site version below.

A couple of you pointed out that the link I sent for the Contra Costa Times article on June 23rd directed or pointed to the Patch article instead. The Contra Costs Times also appeared in the OAKLAND TRIBUNE and the SAN JOSE MECURY NEWS.  Just in case you didn’t see the Contra Costa Times article, I am repeating the link here as well

We are very fortunate to have had such a positive response to our exhibit. This is all thanks to Jady Montgomery our publicity person for this program and a loyal member of the FIRST TUESDAY POETRY GROUP here in Benicia.

I am thinking we may have over 100 people at the Opening Reception on Thursday. Artists and Poets, please be generous with those snacks you are bringing!  You’ll have a name tag ready for you when you arrive. Please wear it and let people know who you are so they can ask you questions about your topic and your work for this show. I am proud of this show and I hope you are proud and pleased as well.

I’ve been checking on the exhibit every day and each time I’ve gone I’ve met people who are excited about what they are seeing and reading. I’ve met a woman who came from Walnut Creek after reading the CC article, a man who has lived in Benicia 45 years who said this is the first exhibit of art in this community he has really enjoyed. A woman in town wrote me to say that she’s been going everyday to really study one by one each of the artist/poet/article sections of the exhibit. Two teenagers stopped (with skateboards underarms)  to see the portrait of Les Overlock that Mike Kimball did because they’d heard about it from their friends and then went deeper into the exhibit looking and exclaiming as they went. More stories of the exhibit when I see you on Thursday.

All the best,
Ronna Leon
‘I read the news today …’

Benicia Library

Gallery of Images

Benicia Magazine

Published By Times Herald
Posted: 06/26/2011 01:00:39 AM PDT
LINK: http://www.timesheraldonline.com/ci_18356554

Benicia exhibit focuses on the headlines
By Jennifer Modenessi
Contra Costa Times
Posted: 06/23/2011 12:00:00 AM PDT
LINK: http://www.mercurynews.com/entertainment/ci_18324456?nclick_check=

Upcoming Event! Febuary 15, 2011

Dr. Mossberg

Professor Barbara Mossberg:
“We know writing is transformational for the writer, but for the world, the real world? Cultural data from earliest recorded history shows literary arts transforming social, political, civic, and environmental dimensions of our lives for war and peace and civil and  human rights.”

Dr. Mossberg believes that [writing] has the power to change the world. That conviction helped earn her the position of poet in residence for the city of Pacific Grove.

Check it out!

From a Restore Hetch Hetchy newletter.

A key component of any environmental campaign is the ability to effectively communicate a message. Thanks to a team of volunteers, Restore Hetch Hetchy has a terrific new site with which to educate the public, recruit volunteers and solicit contributions. Check it out!

RHH would like to give special thanks to the team at Load Bearing Creative in Fresno for the many volunteer hours they put in to develop a new, effective website for RHH. Load Bearing Creative is a full service marketing and design studio-we encourage our supporters to consider utilizing their talented services. Special thanks also to RHH board member, Roger Williams, for making it happen.

A Letter From a Poet

Dear Restore Hetch Hetchy:

We have reached a new stage of evolution where human history is the agency of hope. The twentieth century brought in a renewed consciousness of preservation of the earth-keeping what is left. Our century’s work is restoration. It is imaginative work. It needs the poet and the engineer, the lawyer and business leader. It is up to us now to figure out ways in every river valley to rescue rich soil, every mountain and plain, to be restored. We hear of prairies and watershed and mountains and forests, seabeds, coral reefs, being brought back to life with engineering feats and genius of vision. And this is from Emily Dickinson, engineer of “but God be with the Clown, Who ponders this tremendous scene, this whole experiment in green, As if it were his own!” If we consider this very earth our own, claim it as we once claimed land to up-end, take down trees and habitat, dam rivers, flood valleys, and see a new kind of power in owning this earth, we can make it once again tremendous, we can move from the role of fools to the divine work of the visionary who believes in what is possible. This is the point at which a thousand years from now, a child will find history a story of redemption.

Barabara Mossberg 2010