Problem Solving Through Poetry

Title: Problem Solving Through Poetry
Location: The Pacific Grove Library 550 Central Ave, Pacific Grove California
Description: From ancient minds to Nobel-prize high-minded physics, astronauts to engineers, poetry has been a way to work things out, to make order of chaos, beauty of darkness, solace of pain, wisdom of the mess of feelings and ideas that blur our hassled, hectic everyday lives. This workshop is an introduction to the practical nature of poetry. We will raise our pens to the proposition that poetry can bring to the everyday mind one’s own remarkable capacity for problem-solving and coming up with new ways of thinking and creative solutions.

Dr. Mossberg has been a proponent of poetry and literature all her life in roles ranging from President of Goddard College, to the U.S. Scholar in Residence for the U. S. State Department as a cultural diplomat representing American culture, to Fulbright scholar, to senior scholar for the American Council on Education, to keynote speaker around the world on the humanities and creativity for leadership. Catch her weekly radio show, The Poetry Slow Down, on radio station, KRXA 540AM, (

Tea and pastries will be served.

The $15 workshop fee supports the Pacific Grove Poet in Residence fund.

Seating is limited, call Lisa Maddalena at 649-5760 or email for reservations.
Start Time: 09:00
Date: 2011-03-19
End Time: 12:00